Common Oral Health Reminders: Gum Disease Treatments

Preserving Good Oral Health Relies on Consistent Hygiene Practices

Monitor for Gum Disease If You Show These Risk Factors

Teeth Lost to Chronic Periodontal Health Problems Might Be Replaced by a Complete Denture

A Consistent Oral Hygiene Regimen in the First Line of Defense Against Gum Disease

Common Oral Health Reminders: Gum Disease Treatments

  Assessing your oral health care often involves oral health care prevention planning. Your smile is only as safe as you keep it. However, damage may be occurring to your smile, and you may be completely unaware of it. For this reason, it is always important to inspect your smile very closely. Periodontal disease, also frequently known as gum disease... read more »

Preserving Good Oral Health Relies on Consistent Hygiene Practices

The health of your mouth can be a significant factor in your overall quality of life. The discomfort of cavities, gum disease, and other oral health problems can limit your food choices, affect your self-esteem, cause anxiety, and could potentially prove costly to treat. To help prevent these problems the American Dental Association offers several recommendations. This starts with consistently... read more »

Monitor for Gum Disease If You Show These Risk Factors

Gum disease, which may be the most common dental ailment we treat, impacts about half of the total number of adults in the U.S. While a big part of what causes gum disease comes down to which food choices we make, there are also lots of risk factors that you should be aware of. Here are some you can review.... read more »

A Consistent Oral Hygiene Regimen in the First Line of Defense Against Gum Disease

The American Dental Association was founded to help American consumers preserve their long term oral health. They do this by providing a series of recommendations, guidelines, and information tools to help maximize your efforts at preventing oral health problems. Brushing your teeth twice each day and flossing at least once forms the basis of an effective daily oral hygiene regimen.... read more »