Common Oral Health Reminders: Gum Disease Treatments

Common Oral Health Reminders: Gum Disease Treatments

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Assessing your oral health care often involves oral health care prevention planning. Your smile is only as safe as you keep it. However, damage may be occurring to your smile, and you may be completely unaware of it. For this reason, it is always important to inspect your smile very closely. Periodontal disease, also frequently known as gum disease can consist of severe infections to your gum tissue which can potentially produce a few symptoms.

If you are suffering from gum disease, symptoms can begin to be present in early stages such as gingivitis. Always inspect your mouth to determine if any gum tissue infections are present, so you can seek treatment as soon as possible. If you are showing any historical signs of swelling or inflammation in your gums, gum disease may be the cause. In addition, if you are having issues associated with bleeding during mealtimes or while brushing and flossing, it can be linked to a gum tissue infection. Furthermore, the presence of pus or sores on your teeth and gums could also be another indication.

It is always important to take note of any tooth sensitivity that you feel. If you notice teeth are beginning to move out of alignment, or your suffering tooth slippage or painful chewing while eating, it may be linked to gum disease. Another common sign the frequently arises with gum disease infections is tooth recession. This refers to your gums slowly pulling back away from your teeth exposing more surface area of the tooth. If left untreated, this can lead to numerous oral ailments. Furthermore, halitosis, also known as bad breath frequently returns when gum disease is present.

Restore your oral health to the top of the hall of shining smiles with gum disease treatments. If you are in need of gum disease treatments from our team at Lake Highlands Dental at our dentist office in Dallas, Texas, please contact us at 214-613-1279 to schedule an appointment or consultation with Dr. Sajjad Ashnagar.