Food your Teeth Will Love

Food your Teeth Will Love

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Believe it or not, but your teeth can be just as sensitive to your diet as your waistline. Does that sound a bit crazy? Probably, but sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction.

However, it’s easy to learn what food your teeth will love, and what food will damage them. There’s already enough you have to fight against to keep your tooth health at an appropriate level; your diet shouldn’t be one of them.

Dr. Lyndel Stripling and Dr. Shawn Nemovi at Lake Highlands Dental in Dallas, Texas have a few suggestions on what type of food your teeth will love. If you’re serious about having great oral health, sit back for a few minutes and give this post a read.

Fresh fruit is a great food for any diet, but it’s especially great for your teeth. The vitamins and minerals have proven to help strengthen overall tooth structure. The one you’ll want to avoid, though, is citrus. Those fruits have a high level of acids that can do a number on your enamel. You don’t need to cut them out completely – just be careful of how much you eat.

Surprisingly, pasta has some great benefits aside from being a great source of carb-loading for athletes. It’s a great meal that’s filling, and doesn’t leave a lot of residue in your mouth. That’s honestly the biggest problem with a lot of food that’s bad for your teeth. They leave sugary or oily residues behind that become a haven for bacteria.

Choosing the right food for your tooth health comes down to making sure you’re not eating too-sugary a diet, as that leaves behind a lot of junk that invites bacteria. If you have other questions, feel free to call us today at 214-613-1279.