Smile Wide with Root Canal Therapy

Smile Wide with Root Canal Therapy

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To provide your smile the best possible service, you will need to make sure that you are applying any prevention or treatment plans for all situations that may arise. In the event that you have suffered an oral accident or injury, or the inner linings of a tooth have become vulnerable, tooth death may occur. However, the tooth can still be saved with a reliable root canal therapy.

In order to keep your smile safe, you have to make sure that bacteria do not enter the root of a tooth. If an oral accident or injury or any kind of erosion allows bacteria to enter a tooth, the pulp can become inflamed and diseased. If for any reason your pulp is damaged, it may need to be eradicated in order to save the tooth.

Several common risk factors are associated with pulp damage. If you suffer from deep cavities to the point that a hole has appeared down to your root, you will be vulnerable for pulp damage, at which point a root canal therapy may be necessary to save a tooth.

Other common risk factors associated with the need for root canal therapies include repeated dental procedures on a tooth that have worn down your tooth enamel, and issues associated with oral accidents or injuries that have left the inner workings of a tooth exposed to bacteria.

Are you in need of a dentist in Dallas, Texas? Dr. Lyndel Stripling and Dr. Shawn Nemovi at Lake Highlands Dental want to make sure your smile shines no matter what condition it is in. If you are interested in a root canal therapy, please get in touch with our dentist office by calling us at 214-613-1279.